What are you most looking forward to with 2022? We all have goals and aspirations, but DMC Atlanta is always ensuring that we're ahead of the game so that we can get to the finish line first!
We’ve all heard the notions about achieving goals – goals like losing those final few pounds, paying off the credit card, earning a business promotion, or upgrading the car. However, what is more commonly ignored are those big-picture goals, the goals with less specific guidelines, or less crunched timelines. The concept of a “five-year plan” or a “ten-year plan” is something that is harder for us to conceptualize. Here at DMC Atlanta , we encourage our team and, now, you to think bigger than the basics. We challenge you to reach beyond what you feel is possible at this moment and manifest larger dreams than ever previously. “If you think small, your world will be small. If you think big, your world will be big.” — Paulo Coelho Think Big, and Let the Small Details Fall into Place The biggest deterrence from long-term and big-picture goals are the minute details. Do you dream of moving across the country? Don’t be immediately deterred by the cost, time, and hassles of a job...
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